Paint What You Feel


Do you remember how it felt to paint something as a child? It was a very messy activity, but it was such fun to get creative with all those colors! Well, at least until you started to expect something from your art, for example to picture an object realistically and to get your teacher’s approval. The process of painting then became less important than the end result.

Today, you may feel paralyzed just thinking of taking a brush again. It’s so hard to paint something, and you don’t want to make a fool of yourself! But the truth is, it’s very easy to paint. Children do it, don’t they? Children don’t think about the future so much, and they don’t make plans—they just enjoy the moment. This lets them paint without any anxiety and fear of judgment, and this is something you can learn from them!

But what can you paint without analyzing and planning? The answer is: your emotions. It’s not only relaxing, but it’s also healthy to acknowledge what you feel and allow yourself to feel it without judgment. The best thing about it is that you can’t do it wrong. Nobody can tell you what such a painting is supposed to look like—only you. Keep reading if you want to learn how to start!

This tutorial is part of the Art Therapy series. It teaches you how to use art for relaxation and fun, without putting too much pressure on yourself.

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